Elements No Vedana is a brand of Ayurvedic pain relief products that includes capsules and gel. The products are intended to relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation in muscles and joints.
- BoswelliaAlso known as Shallaki-Exd, this ingredient is known for its anti-inflammatory properties
- CurcumaAlso known as Haldi-Rz, this ingredient is known for its pain relieving properties
- MoringaAlso known as Sahjan-Lf, this ingredient is known for its pain relieving properties
- PunarnavaAlso known as Punarnava-Rt, this ingredient is known for its pain relieving properties
- Elements No Vedana CapsulesThese capsules can be used to treat pain in muscles and joints, as well as headaches and bodyaches.
- Elements No Vedana GelThis gel can be used to treat pain, swelling, and inflammation in muscles and joints.
You can buy Elements No Vedana products from online retailers like Flipkart and Amazon